Third bilateral meeting of the Spanish and Italian Societies for the Study of the Eighteenth Century. University of Catania. Catania (Italy). Read more.

Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment: Ideas, Networks, Agencies (CIRGEN)

With Mónica Bolufer

Next Thursday, 27 June at 17:10 CEST, Mónica Bolufer will speak about “Las mujeres como agentes de circulación cultural transnacional: construyendo puentes entre Italia y España en el siglo XVIII” at the third bilateral meeting of the Spanish and Italian Societies for the Study of the Eighteenth Century. Her paper will be presented in Session K “Le donne e la sociabilità settecentesca/ Las mujeres y la sociabilidad setecentista”. The session, chaired by Cinzia Recca (University of Catania) will take place in Room 1 of the Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione (University of Catania), from 17:10 to 18:50.

In addition, on Wednesday 26 June, Mónica Bolufer will chair Session D “Le arti e le accademie tra Italia e Spagna/Las artes y las academias entre Italia y España”, in Room 2 of the Ingrassia Palace, from 17:10 to 18:50.

The University of Catania will host this scientific meeting on 26, 27 and 28 June.

Programme and more information here

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