Videos and podcasts

Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment: Ideas, Networks, Agencies (CIRGEN)

Here you will find some of the activities in which the CIRGEN research team has participated. However, this is not an exhaustive list, as not all activities have been recorded. And some of those that have been recorded cannot be made open access due to personal data protection issues.

You can also watch some of our presentations and talks on our YouTube channel.

Highly recommended: Virtual visit at Biblioteca Nacional Española (BNE) curated by Isabel Burdiel about Emilia Pardo Bazán. Astonishing! Don’t miss it!

DateActivity details with the URL to the recordingBy
Mónica Bolufer and Laura Guinot present the book Gender and Cultural Mediation in the Long Eighteenth Century in the podcast ‘Historias de bolsillo’ of Radio USAL.Mónica Bolufer and Laura Guinot
Round table discussion ‘Formes de comunicar la història de la ciència’ -FEM ciència?, with Mónica Bolufer. YouTube video.Mónica Bolufer
Keynote lecture of Mónica Bolufer at the at the 18th edition of the “Jornadas Internacionales de estudios sobre las Monarquías Ibéricas”. YouTube video.Mónica Bolufer
Interview with Mónica Bolufer at the third edition of FEM ciència?, Societat Catalana Història Ciència i Tècnica (SCHCT). YouTube video.Mónica Bolufer
Interview with Elena Serrano at New Books Network about her book Ladies of Honor and Merit: Gender, Useful Knowledge, and Politics in Enlightened Spain (University of Pittsburg Press, 2022)Elena Serrano
Episode # 138 of Memoria SUR: “Inés Joyes, la enigmática feminista ilustrada”. A podcast by Diario SUR of Málaga with the participation of Mónica Bolufer.Mónica Bolufer
Conversation “Tras la cortina: la pasión por los libros prohibidos” with Mónica Bolufer Peruga and Nicolás Bas Martín, moderated by Ester Alba Pagán. Fundación Cañada Blanch, Valencia (Spain). YouTube videoMónica Bolufer

Interview with Mónica Bolufer Peruga at the XVII Scientific Meeting of the Fundación Española de Historia Moderna, held at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain). HILAME. YouTube videoMónica Bolufer
Interview with Isabel Burdiel at ‘Vidas cruzadas’, a podcast by the Objective. YouTube videoIsabel Burdiel
Xavier Andreu Miralles and Mónica Bolufer Peruga discuss European Modernity and the Passionate South. Gender and Nation in Spain and Italy in the Long Nineteenth Century (Brill, 2023) in the podcast Historias de Bolsillo from Radio USALMónica Bolufer
13 Feb
Xavier Andreu Miralles and Mónica Bolufer Peruga present European Modernity and the Passionate South. Gender and Nation in Spain and Italy in the Long Nineteenth Century (Brill, 2023), in a podcast interview at New Books Network ESMónica Bolufer

Conference “Dones, coneixement i lectura al Segle de les Llums”, by Mónica Bolufer, Cercle Artístic de Ciutadella de Menorca (starts at minute 16′ 35”). YouTube videoMónica Bolufer
Interview with Elena Serrano at New Books Network ES about her book Ladies of Honor and Merit: Gender, Useful Knowledge, and Politics in Enlightened Spain (University of Pittsburg Press, 2022)Elena Serrano
9 Nov
“Sense Horaris! Diàlegs Sobre Maternitats I Autoexplotació Des Del Feminisme”, with Mónica Bolufer and Silvia Nanclares. Organized by Unitat d’Igualtat, Universitat de València. YouTube videoMónica Bolufer
13 Oct 2021Interview to Mónica Bolufer. MedNight 2021. EuCorner. Organized by Unitat de Cultura Científica i Innovació UV. YouTube videoMónica Bolufer
23 Sept 2021Interview to Mónica Bolufer. Cadena Ser Hoy por Hoy Locos por ValenciaMónica Bolufer
29 June 2021Las historias que cuenta la seda. Música, literatura y arte. Instituto Cervantes Bruselas. YouTube videoMónica Bolufer
15 June 2021Talk “Emilia Pardo Bazán. El reto de la modernidad”. Biblioteca Nacional de España. YouTube videoIsabel Burdiel
21 April 2021Interview to Mónica Bolufer by journalist Reis Juan. Converses a l’Espai Ciència. Octubre. YouTube videoMónica Bolufer
24 March 2021Inaugural lecture of the XII Research Seminar on Modern History (XII SIHMO): Frontiers, Cultures and IdentitiesMónica Bolufer
27 Nov 2020Diàlegs de ciència. Investigadoras en la UV. MEDNIGHT. YouTube videoMónica Bolufer
6 April 2020“Imaginarios del deseo: raza, género y sexualidad en el siglo XIX”. Instituto Interuniversitario López Piñero. VideoEster García
5 March 2020“When Venus stays awake, Minerva sleeps”, A narrative of sanctity and female power in 18th-century Spain. Video (from minute 0:00 to 22:10)María Tausiet
19 Feb 2020“Reflexionando con la portada del New Yorker. Tres tesis de trabajo”. Instituto Interuniversitario López Piñero. VideoElena Serrano
9 Dec 2019 Radio podcast. ¿Mujeres sentimentales
y hombres pasionales? RTVE
(search for the
title in the search box)
Mónica Bolufer
29 Nov 2019Commemoration of the 25th anniversary of “Women’s History” as a basic subject in the undergraduate studies of History at the Universitat de València (Ver en Noticiero Científico y Cultural Iberoamericano) Laura Guinot & Mónica bolufer
21 Nov 2019 Género, mundos mediterráneos y estereotipos nacionales en la literatura de viaje del siglo XVIII. IEMed Barcelona. YouTube video Mónica Bolufer
6 May 2019Feminismo y panteísmo: De Mary Wollstonecraft a Mary Poppins. Biblioteca Central de Bidebarrieta. YouTube VideoMaría Tausiet
7 March 2019III Jornada de la Mujer Científica. “Mujeres y ciencia:
¿una contradicción de términos? Investigar las raíces ilustradas de los estereotipos de género”. YouTube video
Mónica Bolufer

Copyright © 2024 CIRGEN
Funded by: Horizon 2020/ERC-2017-Advanced Grant-787015 | @CIRGEN1