“Pathologies of Solitude” Network Colloquium. Online. Read more.

Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment: Ideas, Networks, Agencies (CIRGEN)

María Tausiet and Mónica Bolufer have been invited to participate in this colloquium.

Mónica Bolufer will participate as a discussant.
María Tausiet’s paper is entitled “Dangerous Solitude: Women and Men in Enlightenment Spain”.

The colloquium “Solitude and Gender” is organized and hosted by the project Pathologies of Solitude, 18th-21st Century and it addresses questions of solitude, loneliness and privacy take a different slant when considered in relation to gender, and the social demands and prohibitions operating around gender in different historical periods. This colloquium will focus on the gendered nature of solitude in both historical and contemporary terms, considering the gendered associations of solitude in relation to family and domestic life; shifting expectations of masculine and feminine behaviour; contemporary discourses around gender difference. Participants in the colloquium will consider gender in religious, medical and literary contexts, and gendered spaces of solitude through the ages, such as retirement gardens or queer geographies, and the impact of migration on the gendering of solitude.

Participation in this colloquium is by invitation only.

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Funded by: Horizon 2020/ERC-2017-Advanced Grant-787015
cirgen@uv.es | @CIRGEN1