Final Workshop “Legados ambivalentes. La Ilustración en los tránsitos de la modernidad, de la investigación a la docencia”. Read more.

Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment: Ideas, Networks, Agencies (CIRGEN)

Directors: Mónica Bolufer (Universitat de València) and Mónica Burguera (UNED). Coordinators: Mª Ángeles Gutiérrez (Universidad de Cádiz) and Ester García Moscardó (UNED)

The International Seminar “Legados ambivalentes. La Ilustración en los tránsitos de la modernidad, de la investigación a la docencia” will take place on 23 and 24 May (Thursday and Friday). In collaboration with the TRAMOS project (PID2022-139190NB-I00), this will be the final workshop organized by CIRGEN (ERC AdG787015).

Together with invited speakers, the seminar will review the contributions made in recent years on topics such as the construction of symbolic boundaries of the Enlightenment, cultural circulation, gender, race and emotions in the eighteenth century, and analyze future prospects. The seminar will also reflect on the teaching of history and the transfer of knowledge through various means, such as digital and theatrical resources, and will present to the public the “Writing for Women” database developed by the CIRGEN project.

A dramatized reading of love and friendship letters from the eighteenth century will complete the programme. This activity, entitled “Las lágrimas van con la tinta”, will take place on Thursday, 23 May, at 6pm in the Aula Alfons Cucó of the School of Geography and History of the Universitat de València. The dramatized reading will be performed by Inés Gómez Castelló (under the direction of Clara Bonet and with historical advice from Mónica Bolufer).

Thursday and Friday, 23 and 24 May. In person: Salón de Grados (Faculty of Geography and History, Universitat de València). Zoom link: please, contact


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Funded by: Horizon 2020/ERC-2017-Advanced Grant-787015 | @CIRGEN1