CIRGEN Seminar “Testamento de la Señora Doña Margarita alias la Gata Ladrona. Mujeres públicas en la primera mitad del siglo XIX”. Universitat de València. Valencia (Spain). Read more.

Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment: Ideas, Networks, Agencies (CIRGEN)

Organised by Ester García Moscardó and Nuria Soriano Muñoz (Universitat de València)

Ester García Moscardó and Nuria Soriano Muñoz are organising a new CIRGEN seminar in which Professor Magally Alegre Henderson (PUCP) will speak on “Testamento de la Señora Doña Margarita alias la Gata Ladrona. Mujeres públicas en la primera mitad del siglo XIX”.

The seminar will be held next Wednesday 4 October, from 11:30 to 13:30 CEST, in the Sala Alfons Cucó, 6th floor of the School of Geography and History of the University of Valencia.


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Funded by: Horizon 2020/ERC-2017-Advanced Grant-787015 | @CIRGEN1