ISECS International Congress on the Enlightenment, 14-19 julio, Edinburgo (Escocia, R.U.). Leer más.

Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment: Ideas, Networks, Agencies (CIRGEN)

Miembros del equipo de investigación de CIRGEN asisten al ISECS International Congress on the Enlightenment. Congress theme: «Enlightenment Identities»

Panel theme: Circulating Gender Identities in the Global Enlightenment: Some Perspectives from the Hispanic World

Shaping a cosmopolitan and masculine identity: selfhood, politics, and gender in the travel diaries of Francisco de Miranda por Mónica Bolufer.

Gender, travel, and book culture: the library of the sixth counts of Fernán Núñez por Carolina Blutrach.

Solitude and sensibility: female identities in the Spanish Enlightenment por María Tausiet.

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Funded by: Horizon 2020/ERC-2017-Advanced Grant-787015 | @CIRGEN1